Cool Guard Pro M910 Heat Alarm with RESCUE Door Popper

Cool Guard Pro M910 Heat Alarm with RESCUE Door Popper
Item Number: VAZ105

Detailed Description

CoolGuard Pro M910 - Heat Alarm System/Fan with the R.E.S.C.U.E. - Door Popper


Please choose which side of the vehicle the fan will be mounted - passenger side or driver side.

Protect your department’s investment of your canine partner or animal control unit with our in-vehicle CoolGuard Plus (or CGP). The CoolGuard Pro M900 gives you peace of mind and will self-activate to rapidly cool your canine when dangerous inside vehicle temperatures are detected.

The lethal temperature for an average size Law Enforcement K-9 is 103 to 107 degrees for approximately 5 minutes. The CoolGuard Pro M910 comes complete with 2 control modules, display monitor, 2 temperature sensors, 2 temperature selections at the touch of your hand to toggle between 87 and 93 degrees Fahrenheit (can also be easily programmed to adjust), a cool temperature setting for temperatures colder than 30 degrees Fahrenheit , automatic dual window drop, high speed fan, fan guard and wiring harness, digital display for reading the vehicle temperature, a unique horn alarm pattern, heat index and humidity display, self-diagnosing alerts with logs, an equipment test, drive disable to not have the alarm go off while driving, alarm lights active- 2 outputs for flashing any lights connected onto the vehicle (flashing lights not included), low battery page function, and the Paw Protect to remind the handler to not forget the K9 before leaving the vehicle. Installation instructions and free technical support are included. Full 1 year warranty against any defects.

R.E.S.C.U.E. - Door Popper

Sold separately as an additional option for the CoolGuard Pro M910, the Pager ensures that should you be outside of hearing range for the horn alarm, you will be notified via page that your CoolGuard Pro M900 system has been activated. Installation instructions and free technical support are included. Full 1 year warranty against any defects.

Pager range is ½ mile in perfect conditions (by perfect conditions we mean not next to an airport or train terminal or anything transmitting a very strong output signal).